How Many Televisions Did YOU See Today?

So many thoughts going on in my mind tonight, I had to take a few minutes to blog. But even as I type that, I am not even sure where to begin. My mind is swirling with thoughts of our culture and what it is today, where it is today and how we as Christians are to live in the day & age that we are in. I have been so aware lately of how television has invaded the public realm. I can’t seem to go to the doctor’s office, a restaurant, the bank, or the local pharmacy without there being a television on. Can we as people not even go 10 minutes without news, HGTV, sports & other misc entertainment to fill our time? In my home I am a fan of very limited television usage. It sucks our time that could be better used in other ways. And certainly it becomes a distraction when I am sitting in a waiting room wanting to have a one on one conversation with one of my children, or read him/her a story and there is this flashing box drawing attention away from the human interaction at hand. Sometimes it is my attention, and sometimes theirs. And sometimes it isn’t something I even want my children exposed to. (Like some of the magazines and advertisements in our faces even at the local grocery store.)

Today I purchased curriculum for our upcoming school year, as well as other supplemental materials that drew my interest. Scanning through some of the items I purchased got me pondering how far we have come from Biblical standards. I feel this immense desire to seek out what God truly desires of His people for such a time as this. I need to feel challenged, convicted and inspired … I need to ponder all these questions & thoughts running circles in my mind. Isn’t it so great that we continue to learn and that our values can continue to change as we mature spiritually? I am so thankful for a God who is patient with me & who wants me to grow! (no matter how old I am getting!)

Tonight, I will continue to seek His wisdom in life, in parenting, and in teaching my children what they truly need to learn. I want them to know how they can live for Him regardless of the messages coming from world around them that tell them lies. ..whether that message is coming from a kid down the street (or in the pew next to them), a picture on the front of a magazine, a book in the library, or something on one of the many televisions we encounter during our everyday activities.

A final thought to leave you with that comes from the Word: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2 KJV

What are You Leaving Undone?

Tonight I am surrounded by things left undone. Several dishes waiting to be washed (though not nearly as many as we would have if we hadn’t implemented a “Dish Duty” schedule a couple of months ago), bags filled with birthday gifts waiting to be unpacked and put away, papers to be graded, books to be read, and oh the laundry. But what am I doing instead? Blogging (obviously).

I am drained. This has been an incredibly busy week. For a family of 7 pretty much every week can be labeled a busy week, but this one was extra busy. Extra work hours for me (I hate deadlines), family day activity (March’s–we are almost caught up!), MOPS, a field trip, a birthday, and today’s packed schedule with a mother/daughter banquet at church, a birthday party with extended family for our middle daughter (whose birthday is next week), and a piano recital for our 2 oldest girls this evening. And trust me when I say I am leaving out some details! I don’t want to do anything at 10 thirtysomething at night except sit. And do something I enjoy. And probably go to bed early. (right after I get my secret sister’s Mother’s Day gift ready for church tomorrow since I know it’ll stress me out if I wait til morning…and lay out the kids’ clothes for morning….and pack the diaper bag & anything that we’ll need to take with us straight to the restaurant after church …. and, well, I’m guessing you probably understand!)

Do you have things left undone today too? Are you feeling drained? Whether it’s kids, work, household responsibilities, or other commitments, we all can get to a point of just needing to stop and sit. Breathe. Relax. Fall asleep. Leave some things undone. As long as they are the right things to leave undone. But what about the things that are undone in your life that shouldn’t be? Have you taken a look at your relationships lately? With family members, friends, kids, coworkers? With God?

Even though we know we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow, I believe we still can get comfortable with the idea that we have time and that nothing really is going to happen to us. So we leave things unspoken that need said. We let things go that we should take care of. We think we will restore good relationship with God or others another day.

This week I turned 35, and I have had somewhat of a hard time with it. I know some may think that it’s silly for me to feel that way, and I won’t go into all the reasons why I am struggling with it (maybe another blog another day), but I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my life up to this point & also thinking about my future from here. I don’t want the important things in my life to be left undone. Life is full of change & surprises & unexpected happenings. We need to treasure each day & make it count. And only leave the not-so-important things undone as we keep growing.